The average business professional today sends and receives 116 business emails every single day. Email marketing NEEDS to be strategic if it wants to stand out from the noise – so I have compiled a few simple B2B subject line strategies to help your outbound activity and get your emails opened.
Since the initial scramble to update privacy policies in 2018, talk of GDPR regulations has gone quiet. Every company that operates in the EU must comply, but this still leaves a big question mark over the heads of marketing managers and sales development representatives across the continent: how do you maintain an effective B2B email marketing strategy while respecting data privacy laws? In this article, we are offering clearer email guidance and sharing the do’s and don’ts of marketing emails across EU member states.
GDPR DOESN’T MEAN WE WILL STOPP CONTACTING BUSINESSES There has been a lot of scrutiny over how lead generation and email outreach companies such as ourselves will be able to continue as a business model post-GDPR. Contrary to mainstream media, GDPR compliant email marketing is still legal and is still […]
5 CRITICAL STEPS TO SENDINGGDPR-COMPLIANT B2B EMAILS Contrary to popular belief, it is still legal and effective to send businesses sales emails now the GDPR is enforceable. This article dispels the myths around cold emailing under the new regulations and gives you some simple, actionable tips to ensure your B2B […]
There are hundreds of articles online proclaiming ‘Outbound is dead’ or that ‘Inbound is a fad’, each tearing the other methodology apart. However, there are pros and cons to both methodologies, and this article aims to give both an honest appraisal so that you can make the right choice for your market and business objectives.
OUTbound is where you send a message OUT to your prospects. This could include email outreach, telemarketing, banner advertising etc. INbound is where, by producing informative and engaging content, prospects come IN to your site or mailing list of their own volition. This could be through your blog, to download an ebook, signing up for a newsletter or webinar etc. This article covers four of the ways Outbound can be used to make Inbound more effective.