

Seasonal Slowdowns, and how to avoid them


During the holiday season, most companies put lead generation activities on hold, but is a seasonal shut down the right approach?
In our latest blog article, we highlight how you can still generate new sales in December, whilst developing your sales pipeline for the New Year.

How to get your emails to stand out

Making your emails stand and be read

With the increase in remote working, cold calling has become a less frequent and favoured outbound option for sales teams. As they struggle to reach prospects and are constantly facing unanswered lines or full Inboxes, we look at this ever-increasing issue and identify the best way to generate new leads in 2021.

How sales leaders finish the year strong

As 2020 races to a close and 2021 moves ever closer, it is natural to reflect on this year’s progress and think about how to achieve next year’s goals. However, with the continued uncertainty, the idea of planning can seem daunting. In our blog article we highlight how to get the most out of Q4 whilst still setting yourself up to succeed in Q1 2021.

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn has become the leading and most powerful channel and platform for personal and business branding and awareness. Yet, many people don’t take time to optimize their LinkedIn profiles and pages. Here we take a look at how you too can take advantage of LinkedIn and grow your business

Targeting – A cornerstone to success

The cornerstones of success in sales rely heavily on targeting, data, deliverability and copy. These four elements are also the 4 links that strengthen your outbound chain. So how do you strengthen these elements? In this blog we focus on targeting your ideal customer and the importance this has on your outbound strategy.

Sales enablement tools to help scale your business

Companies today are constantly looking for new ways to solve the sales challenges which they are faced with. In this article we shed some light on what the term sales enablement is, what it has to offer, and the tools that will help scale your business.

Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement

If you are reading this article and you are in business or in sales, the question which you are probably asking is “What will my sales strategy and outcome be like in 2021?” Better still, many of you must be asking, “what will my sales team look like in the next 4 months?”, never mind trying to get to 2021.