

Inbound V Outbound – Which Really Works?

Inbound V Outbound – Which Really Works

There are hundreds of articles online proclaiming ‘Outbound is dead’ or that ‘Inbound is a fad’, each tearing the other methodology apart. However, there are pros and cons to both methodologies, and this article aims to give both an honest appraisal so that you can make the right choice for your market and business objectives.

Why You Need A Specialised Outbound Team

WHY YOU NEED A SPECIALISED OUTBOUND TEAM  In the B2B world, it can sometimes seem impossible to separate lead generation and sales, as many sales teams are expected not only to close the sale, but to find their own leads too, and in some cases even manage accounts.   In […]

Why Cold Calling Doesn’t Work For A Millennial

Why Cold Calling Doesn’t Work For A Millennial

Everyone hates cold calls. Even cold callers hate cold calling. If millennials already hate and fear phone calls, how receptive are they going to be to what your sales reps have to say? This article summarises the reasons for millennial telephonophobia and how you can adapt your sales techniques to include added value and cause marketing, improving your close rates with the millennial demographic.

CRM Maintenance 101: How Dirty Is Your Data?

CRM MAINTENANCE 101:HOW DIRTY IS YOUR DATA? CRM Maintenance is becoming ever more important. If you don’t actively cleanse and update your data 70% of your database could be inaccurate after just one year.   Sound too high?   In 2016, the UK saw a record high in business formation; 650,000 new businesses were started last […]

Efficient Sales Strategy: How To Split Your Sales Team

Efficient Sales Strategy How To Split Your Sales Team Banner

The average sales team spends only ⅓ of their working day talking to prospects. Seem wasteful? It is. If you run a business, or a sales team, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of a sales team is always going to be your top priority. An inefficient sales team is a waste of your time and your money. It is a tough market out there, so optimising your sales team for peak performance is crucial. Evidence suggests that having a specialised outbound team can have a major impact on the efficiency of your sales team.

4 Simple Steps To Find Your Business Niche

4 Simple Steps To Find Your Business Niche

Research from StartUp Britain shows that there were 80 new companies started every hour in the UK alone last year. Why should your prospects work with you over someone else? How can you make your message stand out? In an overcrowded market, a business niche or USP is how you differentiate yourself from the competition, how you make your offering unique and appealing. You have to find a way to make what you are selling different in order to be noticed, your solution must be different.